Web 4.0 is a speculative term that does not have a widely accepted definition. It refers to potential future developments beyond Web 3.0, but its characteristics and concepts are not clearly defined at this time. However, it’s worth noting that the evolution of the web is not linear, technology continues to evolve rapidly, and new paradigms and advancements may emerge in the future that could be labeled as Web 4.0.

Alisa Tsybina (DE)

Installation view of Alisa Tsybina Satin und Bedeutungsverschleiß at the exhibition other AI at Lobe Block, Berlin 2023; Photo: Jacopo La Forgia
Installation view of Alisa Tsybina Heiligstes Herz und Kadmiumorange, Lindwurm und Ultramarinblau & Backpiece von 2003 at the exhibition other AI at Lobe Block, Berlin 2023; Photo: Jacopo La Forgia
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